Sunday 6 January 2013

Michael Sturgeon's Fine Art Exhibition at Higher Ground Cafe

First Shaft 

36" x 36" embellished print on canvas. 
One of my most popular pieces from my Mine collection, this shaft represents the beginning of the journey inside the Monarch Mine. Contact for pricing



16" x 24" print on canvas
At the end of a 2000ft corridor into Mt Field comes a fork. Right, a dead end with what looks like spoiled grease. Left, ends with a pile of wood with an unclimbable vertical shaft yet to be explored.
Contact for pricing.


Georgian Grackle

16" x 24" print on canvas
On a trip driving with a friend from Miami to Fredericton NB in a 1970 VW camper van, we stopped at Tybee Beach in Savannah, Georgia. This was the best photo of the entire trip. 
Contact for pricing.


The Cart

16" x 24" embellished print on canvas
On the second level, after climbing a 200ft ladder and 60ft of rope, is a mining cart that moves with the slightest push, as if it's been maintained since it's abandonment almost 70 years ago.
Contact for pricing.


16" x 24" embellished print on canvas
It's Chico. Nuf said.
Contact for pricing.


Single Use

16" x 24" embellished print on canvas
This was one of the syringes filled with 10ml of morphine that I would inject into my mother to ease the pain caused by terminal bone cancer. She had a butterfly needle, kind of like an intervenous drip, that the syringe would attach to. 
Contact for pricing.


Swan Slobber

16" by 20" embellished print on canvas
While exploring the Lost Lagoon at Stanley Park in Vancouver , I noticed a swan dipping it's head for food. Shutter clicks ensued.
Contact for pricing.


Sparked Nose Creek

24" x 48" print on canvas
One of those shots you drive by every night and say "Ya know, I should..." so I did.
Contact for pricing.